Introduction: Welcome to the Postpartum Core Recovery Course

As a women’s health physical therapist and as a mom of 3, I see time and time again that new [m]others feel afraid, confused and overwhelmed with where to start after baby. This course is designed to help give you a roadmap using the ABC's – first working on alignment, then breathing and finally, core.  The yoga practice puts the ABCs together to transform the way you move.

This course is designed to progressively, smartly and little by little. It is designed to give you the mobility back in your ribcage and hips so you CAN have good alignment, help you reconnect and strengthen your core from the inside out and return to core workouts.

Follow the core videos in order and do 3 to 4 days a week, and if you really love a video in the course (like the yoga for diastasis or breathing), feel free to do that as much as you'd like. So many moms want to jump back into their pre-pregnancy workouts, but stick with this sequence of core connection and build your core from the inside out. They should be challenging!

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